This section (5.4) is very important. Policy and Infrastructure and community are all intertwined. I encourage language in this section that scopes more narrowly to both.
Thanks for the feedback.
Very relevant question. I would change to bepress (Digital Commons). and add questions about interopability here- re: the IT architecture question is not only about discovery of OA works re: content. Questions to ask about long term preservation as well (i.e. not just discovery and access)?
Thanks, Amanda. Good question.
Is there clarification that can be outlined in one or more of the recommendations for A. Libraries and B. University Research Support units other than “stakeholders” such that those that see themselves as part of process but are working on it at high levels or tangential ways may understand that we are all part of the same scholarly communications ecosystem…
how about “reviewers and editors?”
True, but not all stakeholders or institutions have invested at the same level, or comply with at the same level, so further clarity of this is beneficial (agreeing with notes below that this is historical intent)
I applaud the remarks on trust and accountability. I suggest additional language to account for challenges and barriers in these way that impact staffing, and budget lines, and this difficulty applies to more types of institutions than just government.
It is not a summary of the workshop discussions and it is also not a draft of a research agenda for MIT Libraries, though would inform a future version of that - it is a standalone document that calls out research areas and recommendations that emerged from the workshops?
Yes, thanks!
LW: Adding on to this: one thing that I often realize about ethnographic research is that, even if a researcher finds information about a certain group, they seldom gain access to the more complicated and nuanced in-group knowledge and living experience. How can we allow these organic knowledge to be shared?
LW: From my perspective [as a Chinese graduate student studying in the US], the common situation in almost all Chinese universities except for very few top schools is that, none of faculty, staff, and students has any good idea on how to do quality research. Papers are plagiarized, dissertations not much better, and the schools often don’t have incentives to push for better research. Most academic journals in China are also low in quality, not even checking for fake data or plagiarism.
I guess how to do (or encourage) quality research--and its details like literature review, academic integrity, critical thesis, etc.--is also a kind of know-how, and it is this know-how that limits research to people in top academic institutions. How do we allow more people to acquire it?
Toward Point 6: Even in those countries, participation in science is heavily skewed by gender, race, class, and language -- which affect the construction and evaluation of scientific knowledge.10
Gender, race, class, and language are noted here as factors. How about, “…sskewed by gender, race, class, level of ability, and language…” or similar phrasing to be more inclusive of accessibility, and disability culture, both hidden and apparent?
The language will be reviewed for the next iteration. Thanks.
LW: The discussion here seems to be mostly about research in sciences. It may be helpful to include humanities as well.
LW: Still, at least one thing to learn from these critiques of Internet: not all countries have affordable access to Internet, and this is one major cause of unevenness of the internet media. Same problem could also block wider circulation of scholarly works even before we do anything about academic infrastructures.
From a technical viewpoint, it’s important for developers to always maximize compatibility in order to reach people with slow internet connections. This may require ripping platforms to almost bare functionality (think of Wikipedia, or the “basic html view” of Gmail). Recent trends in software updating and all the fancy interface stuffs are very bad examples of maximizing compatibility--they are creating more unevenness instead.
LW: Are we trying to address the domination of English language in production and circulation of scholarly works? I’m thinking about this because, telling from my past research that involved Chinese and Japanese researches, each of these languages are backed by a sizeable academic system, and have plenty of scholarly works available.
On the circulation side, it does seem that most internationally circulated scholarly works are written in English or translated into English, and are published by English-language publishers. However, as an international student I actually find it convenient to have a lot of scholarly works circulating in English language, basing on shared terminologies as well as contributing new terms for transnational discussion. I guess it’s probably one of the best methods to let scholarly works reach the widest audience possible, and for researchers like me it saves time for learning a lot of different languages.
Thanks for the ongoing input.
Yes, perhaps raise this one especially, as well intended systems are likely to be modeled on private sector algorithms. These well honed personalized recommendation systems inherently conflict with the strong privacy ethos in librarianship. While offering options to users is fine, it is critical to default to the privacy enhanced version (with privacy audits to ensure clean up of digital trails). Users choosing to trade anonymity for personalization should be made aware of what information is collected, retained, and disclosed.
Thanks, Mary.
Must make sure solution doesn’t have unintended consequences. Most salient may be that customized context, personalization triggers privacy concerns.
A good reminder.
“The University of Washington Information School will conduct a two-year research project to create a conceptual data model and metadata schema for describing and representing artifacts related to the development of digital games…these collections of artifacts preserve the often inaccessible historical contexts of one of the most important global media forms…The results of this project will enable catalogers to describe video games and related materials more accurately and thoroughly, improving the quality of metadata shared among organizations and increasing access to the items.”
“The University of Washington Information School will conduct a two-year research project to create a conceptual data model and metadata schema for describing and representing artifacts related to the development of digital games…these collections of artifacts preserve the often inaccessible historical contexts of one of the most important global media forms…The results of this project will enable catalogers to describe video games and related materials more accurately and thoroughly, improving the quality of metadata shared among organizations and increasing access to the items.”
2018 IMLS grant:
“The University of Notre Dame will develop open source tools for data and software preservation, in partnership with a variety of academic institutions and other stakeholders…Partner organizations will advise on development and conduct interoperability testing. The tools and services developed in this project will provide for improved reuse of preserved data and software in library repository systems, and make research data more discoverable, as well as more interoperable with science gateways.
“This Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant funded project ($320,546 2017-2019) is a partnership with eight academic libraries (Indiana University, Lafayette College, MIT, Rutgers University, Swarthmore College, University of California-Berkeley, University of California-Los Angeles, and the University of Virginia) to understand current library needs and practices in provisioning library services for computational access to special collections having constraints due to sensitivity or policy restrictions. It also will extend the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) Data Capsule service to broader needs of provisioning for analytical access to restricted collections across a range of library collections and study extensions of the HTRC Data Capsule to cloud computing environments for broader uses….”
IMLS 2018 grant to JMU:
“…This National Forum proposal is the first step in surfacing community requirements and principles towards a collective OA collection development system. The Forum will ask participants to envision a collective funding environment for libraries to contribute provisioning or sustaining funds to OA content providers. Through a series of successive focus groups, the Forum will ask a non-random but diverse sample of the academic library community about the conditions under which they could and would participate in openly and collectively funding OA content that is wholly or partially a public good….”
IMLS grants related to “oral history”:
2016 NIH grant:
Also relevant to question 4.3
““Increasing access to digital research data presents significant scientific opportunities to enhance return on investment, expand accountability, and accelerate discovery and progress. To seize these opportunities, data must be managed and shared appropriately; shared data must be citable to make clear their origin and allow the authors of the data to accrue recognition; and the importance of infrastructure, such as data repositories, must be appreciated. Data often must be considered in conjunction with other related digital objects including experimental and analytical workflows, standards, data annotations, and software that act on data. As such, shared data should conform to the FAIR principles, i.e., findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable ( The goal for NIH data management and sharing is to make publicly-funded data broadly accessible to support reuse, reproducibility and discovery while simultaneously balancing the costs and benefits. The many aspects of the data landscape must be considered in implementation of the new NIH data sharing policies. In addition to the current RFI, an RFI on NIH Data Sharing Strategies will be released in the near future to collect the community's input on these topics.”
article by Clifford Lynch, Director of CNI: “Stewardship in the Age of Algorithms”
2017 Sloan Foundation grant:
“…The grant will support focused work on four use cases: scientific software, CD-ROM archiving, restricted-access reading rooms, and a “Universal Virtual Interactor” that would automatically launch the correct software and version to open any given digital file. Other supported activities include technical refinements to the bwFLA platform and the archiving of the National Software Reference Library currently held by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology.”
see IMLS 2018 grant award:
“…In recent years, for-profit companies have launched offerings such as Digital Science’s figshare for institutions2 , Springer-Nature’s Research Data Support Service3 , and Elsevier’s Mendeley Institutional Edition4 . These are aimed at commercializing the data sharing space with costs to institutions ranging from fee-for-service pricing to annual subscription fees in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. These are costs that academic institutions cannot and should not accept. Beyond the costs, the risk of buying into the commercial space for data is losing access. While these systems may promote open data practices, they themselves are built on closed and private infrastructure that may lead to future barriers and costs to privacy and reporting. To combat this trend towards inaccessible costs to support research data services at the institutional level, Dryad and California Digital Library (CDL) are formally partnering to address researcher needs and lead an open, community-supported initiative in research data curation and publishing…”
Thanks, this projects will all be reviewed for the next iteration of the paper.
see 2018 IMLS grant to Indiana University:
excerpt from grant proposal: “The Shared Big Data Gateway (SBD-Gateway) addresses the IMLS “National Digital Platform” priority by addressing a critical emergent issue faced by academic libraries: providing sustainable, affordable, and standardized data and text mining services for licensed, big data sets, as well as open and non-consumptive data sets too large or unwieldy to work within existing research library environments or with no commercially viable data mining interface. The project team, led by Indiana University, will provide member institutions with a cloud-based, platform solution for making such data available to members with the appropriate security, stewardship, and storage at a fraction of what it would cost them to do so alone. By sharing the cost of this solution across a large number of academic libraries, we will be able to provide a superior solution at a lower cost to members. We will also offer a free tier of basic services for public access. The SBD-Gateway will feature standardized data formats, data available in multiple formats including relational and graph database formats as well as flat tables and native formats, shared and custom/private computational resources, a space to share and store queries, algorithms, derived data, results of analyses, workflows, and visualizations…”
may be relevant to section 4.1 also
In the previous sentences ecosystem was singular. Are we moving toward better ecosystems,” or working on the “broader ecosystem”? (I prefer the former, but I’m not a metaphorical ecologist)
Is there discussion of creating or expanding a scholarly platform to perform the widespread connectivity of a facebook for scholars? That is, as we become painfully aware of the power that facebook has in setting its own TOS and commercializing individual’s contributed content, the lack of a viable nonprofit or academic social media platform seems to become more apparent. Either limit to those with .edu, or go full on inclusive and include everyone, as diaspora tried and failed. With strong institutional support and engineering and drive, it could fill a gaping need with regards to an easy on ramp for all kinds of knowledge.
Thanks, Mary. This will be reviewed.
= for the Humanities
This has been changed.
Thanks, it’s been changed.
A very important idea. It feels buried here.
Thanks Patsy, it will be reviewed.
and document
Thanks for the suggestion.
= as honest brokers of knowledge.
At the same time, many institutions value the same pools of information.
A grammatically very ambiguous clause: does it refer to “changes” or organizations” or even “interests” — and what kinds of “broad benefits”? Financial, scholarly, human?) - confusing.
I will preface my comments here by stating that I was not present at the live discussions. I sometimes wonder whether we have swept under the rug the urgency of documenting processes. This may not apply to the transmission and preservation of a greatd deal of knowledge that comes to us through non-print societal forms of scholarship, but procedures in science, indeed procedural practices in any field, could be made less “tacit” — and documented better textually and visually.
A newer problem is that of adversarial algorithms and deep fakes (and often accompanying fraud). See Danielle Citron and Robert Chesney:
Thanks for the info and link.
Isn’t the fat market for some information goods precisely part of the problem? (I’m resisting framming the value of information in economic rhetoric, not because I want to pretend that the market doesn’t exist, but because the market economy hand-in-hand with an insistence on maintaining the tenure-and-promotion status quo have made these problems so intractable.) Reframing the “value” proposition of scholarly endeavors seems central to demonstrating and maintaining the value of research. A tall order, I realize, but the rhetoric can be changed to help shift thinkign and culture a bit.
Thanks for the feedback and insights. This section will have some review.
Is this meaning historical and cultural str/pol/sys/norms in academia? Or from outside academia, imposed upon it? I think its both/and, but some clarity might be helpful for thinking about how energy can be devoted to change and progress.
The intent was from historical and cultural norms in academia. The section will be reviewed and clarified.
hearkening back to the original scoping of this paper, I wonder if this is a North American, US-focused statement. In the European context I’m in for a few months it seems that government leaders are all working diligently, without skepticism, to legislate as much of “good scholarship/science” as necessary and useful.
Thanks, it will be reviewed. Do you have suggestions of articles or legislation to point to about what is happening globally?
Is this true? Many members of the public also trust science. Not to get picky, but like Mary’s comment this language is a little loose for me.
The language will be reviewed. Thanks.
In my humble opinion this is the largest impediment, and one that we all hear echoed in every conversation about “the future of….”. What can the LIS/ScholComm community do on this front?
Yes, good point.
I love that this emphasis on discovery. I’m leaning to believe that that is the next great horizon for librarians/libraries working in this area.
I hope these are fleshed out a bit later in the paper. ‘infrastructures’ is a big, wide descriptor for a lot of things we could be, are, or might do.
Yes, thanks.
This might be beyond the goals of this project, but most times I read lists like this policy-makers are there too. Is there a reason they aren’t included here?
Thanks, there was discussion about policy makers and it will be revisited for the next iteration of the paper.
This is interesting scoping for me - do you mean InfoSci researchers AND librarians, or the field of infosci and its scholarship?
Looks like this could use some clarification. The intent was infosci researchers and scholarship.
picky: interoperable - to match scalable & equitable?
Thanks, good catch.
maybe this is a place to also include the mass of content created online that is not being archived except by in pieces, (most notably by the Internet Archive.)
and/or the scholarly content created in non-text formats e.g. digital humanities scholarship
or perhaps multimedia formats warrants its own section
Example: Study of ebooks that are scanned and loaned (Internet Archive/ Controlled Digital Lending model) and impact on long-tail access. What needs does this collection fill? Who really has access? Impact on publishers? On creation of Knowledge?
Example: Study of audiovisual content. How is it being archived? Perhaps a study of a small subset, such as NYT videos, other mainstream press videos, or perhaps a study of another small subset, viral videos shared by youth?
Example: Impact of copyright law on access to ebooks, audiovisual content made available through libraries or otherwise made available on basis that is open to users, yet compensable to creators. Examination of working models to create open ebook etc content that allows for compensation via tip jars, auctions to “open” the content, tax funded initiatives etc.
Another area - as scholars increasingly create multimedia content eg. digital humanities scholarship, how is this being disseminated and preserved? What license restrictions hamper accesss/preservation that would be considered acceptable (e.g. fair use) under copyright law? What technological protection measures such as DRM pose obstacles?
Important to emphasize that research into open scholarship in nonjournal formats is especially needed. As mentioned earlier, ebooks, music, video are especially bound by proprietary interests, even when created to be shared. When libraries “loan” ebooks, does it in fact hurt the publishers’ markets? Does it ever help those markets and thus the creation of knowledge? What are the legal and economic hurdles, and can they be overcome? Are there working public/academic platforms for ebooks, video, audio, music that are making a difference?
Thanks, these are good research question suggestions.
Yes. And the platforms that offer UGC like youtube are run by proprietary interests. So far as I know, no academic or public agency is able to archive this content well.
Not sure this is the place to mention it, but there are universal guidelines proposed by Public Voice wrt AI
Thanks, a revision is underway to help clear this up.
does that mean privacy of individuals/communities that have had data collected about them? Perhaps give an example if this is so.
Seems like narrative narrowed to science here. Intentional?
Seems like narrative narrowed to science here - intentional?
Thanks, it will be reviewed for the next iteration.
“productizing” scholarship does not enhance your arguments or your positions.
This sentence reflects STEM-thinking. Experiential and oral traditions, for example, will not make their way into the envisioned ecosystem without the inisistent voices of humanities scholars and researchers (I include the “soft social sciences” here) as well as librarians and archivists with a broad vision of research trends, forecasts, needs, etc. So far this document reads as predominantly infomed by STEM-thinking. The vision, however, ought to stipulate the inclusion of cultures, ethics, languages/translation, so-called “soft” psychology and economics, etc. which including new forms of scholarship will unquestionably entail.
While I agree with Patsy on the importance of including the full spectrum of “wissenschaft”, I don’t disagree with the sentence in the paper. I think the following paragraphs suss it out pretty well.
The research landscape is central, crucial. I think it is important to distinguish it from the “governance landscape.” I note that the last sentence of this paragraph is clearly about research (totally on topic), but might be written differently if it were about governance: … are and remain informed by equity, sustainability, and grounded in values (for example).
Funders have yet to be mentioned I believe. Seems to me funder-driven requirements are so central to an effective strategy to change the research horizon that it ought to be teased somehow earlier. There's the vision and there's the strategy. The document as it reads to this point is nearly all about vision. The recommendations speak to a strategy and drop in here a bit unannounced.
The executive summary has yet to be written and it will help frame the strategy and the vision.
This phrasing betrays your very intentions; the statement yearns to acknowledge the work of Crenshaw, Collins, and others. Intersectionality is simply not written into this sentence or the document thus far – even though that is precisely the bedrock of the “equitable” argument. Even “Including people belonging to several communities at once…” would be an improvement since we all do. THAT is the point: not isolating anyone into a category of people which can be relegated to the margins (even if people in that group also belong to that category, they belong to the larger category of people legitimately entitled to participate….) – NOTE, too: “community” can’t continue to stand in for “category.” It’s become an unfortunate euphemism.
Aside, though perhaps useful: Audre Lorde called this “Dismantling the Master’s House” in an essay of that name. Very much worth reading if you have never.
This underlines the importance of thinking about networks and ecosystems – a point that needs (I think) to be made nearer the beginning of the section on research, I should think.
sounds very commercial
“productizing” scholarship does not enhance your arguments or your positions. Why not just say “scholarship” here?
Does this “science” include knowledge and experience of the humanities? Should this say, “facts, science, knowledge” perhaps? How broad the mistrust is is buried.
I would be careful here: This first sentence is really about STEM areas of knowledge. As we argue for new forms of scholarship for experiential and oral traditions, for example, it will be more difficult to introduce new forms of scholarship if the scholars and researchers AND librarians and archivists insist on privileging the STEM world. This document — the vision — will be better served by remembering the Humanities at its heart (values) — and the centrality cultures, ethics, languages/translation, so-called “soft” psychology and economics, etc. to all the work these shifts in attitude, methods, reporting, sharing, and preservation entail.
The research landscape is central, but I think it may be important to distinguish it from the governance landscape. I note that the last sentence of this paragraph is clearly about research (totally on topic), but might be written differently if it were about governance: … are and remain informed by equity, sustainability, and grounded in values (for example).
Funders have yet to be mentioned I believe. Seems to me funder-driven requirements are so central to an effective strategy to change the research horizon that it ought to be teased somehow earlier. There's the vision and there's the strategy. The document as it reads to this point is nearly all vision. The recommendations speak to a strategy and drop in here a bit unannounced.
This phrasing betrays your very intentions; the statement wants to acknowledge the work of Crenshaw, Collins, and others. Intersectionality is not written into this sentence or the document thus far as it ought to be, even though that is precisely the grounding of the argument of operating in an “equitable” fashion. Even “Including people belonging to several communities at once…” would be an improvement since we all do. THAT is the point: not isolating anyone into a category of people which can be relegated to the margins (even if people in that group also belong to that category, they belong to the larger category of people legitimately entitled to participate….) – NOTE, more generally, then: “community” can’t continue to stand in for “category.” It’s become an unfortunate euphemism.
Too narrow an application. Because of the porous relationship between any digital interaction and an avenue for scholarship (i.e. social media) I would advocate replacing this phrase with “information - especially an individual or group’s digital identity or footprint.”
I would argue that anyone participating in the online ecosystem face this challenge - not just the scholarly ecosystem.
It’s not extreme. Everyday people who hold certain identities must do a calculus ALL THE TIME to determine how prone to harm they might be if they share information.
Thanks for the feedback.
Since this is part of a trust-spectrum illlustration, recommend removing “and therefore mistrusted.” Not only is the point redundant, but also most algorithms *are* opaque yet many people trust them. I think the point being made here is that opaque algorithms (and the other examples) are lower on a trust spectrum and *ought* to be mistrusted - even if they currently are not.
Thanks for the input.
I think that this statement might need to be complicated a bit. There are active conversations in the RDM community, archives communities, and others about what needs to be kept or what can be erased or removed. I think also the points made above by Paige and April about involving a range of communities in knowledge production might also mean that the ephemeral nature of some knowledge products is not necessarily bad as it appears to be framed here but may be a decision of those communities.
Thanks, we’ll tinker with the language for the next iteration of the draft.
Remove passive language. Rephrase: “…exclusion of knowledge production from and access for so many people…”
Remove qualifier. Either it did or it did not conclude with that desire. Grand challenges should not be met with hedging language…
It would be useful to know what areas of disagreement were, if any, and how that might affect movement forward. I agree that hedging language should be removed.
Can we find a better way to describe participants? I am not sure what “practitioners” refers to here…publishers, librarians, activists? Are none of the practitioners also researchers? Are the two population sets: “those producing scientific research” and “those working in scholarly communication and other research fields”?
Hi Yasmeen, thanks for the feedback. We’ll see if there is a better description without getting too specific because it was a broad array of perspectives.
This section could use some clarity. I understand it’s about dealing with “fake news” and the public mistrust of science. But mixed in are some allusions to the efficacy of peer review and quality control that smack of the common misconceptions about open access publishing being all about the “predatory journal.” I don’t know if peer review and quality control is the answer here. I like the line about how formal knowledge generation is limited to small communities—I’d add that it’s the fact that formal knowledge creation is so homogenous and privileged that is part of the problem. More voices, different voices, allows scholarship to be a conversation rather than an echo chamber, helping to bring us back to center.
Agree that these two threads should be more intentionally disentangled in this section. I think there is a place for peer-review to be discussed as a threat to trust, since it is an imperfect system that is often viewed as infallible, but it should be discussed separate from the propaganda machine discussion.
Also that they seek out new methodologies. I’m thinking about researchers who incorporate Indigenous methodologies in their work or researchers who use Black feminist methodologies for their work.
How can this work be done in such a way that empowers and gives agency to the communities from which the knowledge originates? How can we be careful to allow for incorporating material from groups that want to be included without enacting colonizing practices and methodologies?
Thanks, April. We’ll rework this and have something new in the next revision.
This is good and “safe” use of euphemisms, but I’d love to see those injustices named: racism, sexism, discrimination against queer and trans people, religious biases, ableism, classism, xenophobia, colonialism, etc.
Need to cite to Charlotte Roh and Harrison Inefuku here and throughout this paper. They’ve done great work in this space. Roh’s paper: Inefuku’s paper:
Thanks for the references.
I should have said ‘common to’ rather than ‘inherent in’. There is a good piece on this subject by Nathan J. Robinson: “Academic Language and the Problem of Meaninglessness”
Thanks for the reference.
Thanks, we’ll make an update for the next version of the draft.
There is a barrier to trust among wider publics that is also built into academic publishing and that barrier is academic language. If people literally struggle to understand an article then access becomes moot. I have a master’s degree in information science and I often struggle to parse the thicket of words inherent in academic writing. What if we advocated clarity in the writing itself? I realize this idea would be met with resistance in the academic community but grand challenges elicit grand solutions.
Suggested: we will include AN executive summary section WHICH will be a 2-5 stand alone section
Thanks, will fix.
I can’t comment in the subtitle so I’m mentioning it here: “…Grand Challenges Summit hosted at MIT in March HAVE written a draft”. I think you’re missing a ‘have’.
Thanks. Fixed.
Suggested: such as the
Suggested: scholars
Suggested: will realize this value
Thanks, good catch.
As publishers, libraries can also elevate and make more visible, those communities who choose to disseminate their knowledge through these values-based publishers.
and defined (e.g., fixed and tangible such that it can be owned and sold)
Good suggestion, thanks.
Again, this contradicts the ethos of diversity and inclusion. Not all knowledge is created to be durable and transmitted asynchronously outside of human relationships. Think of storytelling, ritual, apprenticeships, etc.
Paige, do you have a suggested revision that could be used here?
If we only focus on “genres,” overlooking the communities that created these genres and decontextualizing these genres, we risk eroding trust (see 3.1.3) and appropriating non-Western knowledges.
This will be adjusted in the next revision of the draft.
If we are truly seeking an inclusive ecosystem, it can’t be the privileged knowledge creators setting the agendas and “offering” the dispossessed solutions.
Good catch. The language will be revised.
+1 Community agency and self-determination regarding data and knowledge sharing is key.
Except that communities do not all value open sharing of knowledge. See
I think it will also require recognizing ways that some forms of knowledge creation (e.g., text vs. oral, disembodied vs. embodied, industrial vs. domestic) and some knowledge creators (e.g., Westerners, Western-educated) are privileged over others. Part of this is an outgrowth of the ways that intellectual property laws value knowledge as commodities and property. I’m not sure how well we can achieve epistemic justice without dismantling the systems that venerate some knowledges and creators while reviling others.
+1 We start on the premise of the “democratizing promise of internet technologies",” but I think we can, and should, even interrogate and push back against that very premise.
Could just be called “library and information science”.
Agree w/ Vicky
“to” x 2
Thanks. Will be corrected in next version.
“have emerged” x 2
Thanks. Will be corrected in next version.
This is where Jean-Claude Guédon’s “Open Access: Toward the Internet of the Mind” becomes a crucial part of the discussion, I think. See (full document).
I propose that Jean-Claude Guédon’s “Open Access: Toward the Internet of the Mind” be added to the recommended readings, as this essay-cum-manifesto is a major contribution to this discussion.
It’s been added as a footnote for now but may be adjusted as the writing process continues.
I agree with Vicky: this demarcation is not clear. It may also be pernicious, in that it can be read to imply that the idea of traditional domain research is somehow unjust because “undemocratic.” I would encourage caution in the use of such labels!
Ahh, great points. Thanks. I’ll make some adjustments that will appear in the next release of the paper.
For future report iterations, the Association of Caribbean University Research and Institutional Libraries is an excellent group to include. Also, Dr. Alex Gil at Columbia has been researching institutions’ information needs, especially in regards to the special needs for islands, given geographical difficulties made all the more difficult with climate change. While better information architectures are of great benefit, specific concerns for the resilence and resistance within systems is helpful to consider for addressing grand challenges to ensure the best and braodest possible positive implacts.
Please feel free to ping other folks to read and comment on this draft paper! Additional perspectives are appreciated.
Thanks, Laurie. Margaret Kovach’s work will be cited in the next version of the paper.
5.4: It would be great to cite the extensive work done on equitable and inclusive knowledge, including scholarly practices for reciprocal research, restorative justice as applied to scholarship and access to research by the people the research impacts (from overall public, to specific communities), and work on changing research practices to be inclusive and to acknowledge researchers in the process. See, for instance, Margaret Kovach, Indigenous Methodologies.
Thanks. Fixed in next version.
3.1.2, on tenure and promotion: It would be useful to cite work on collaborative, interdisciplinary practices for changing T&P, including team science and Imagining America, on collaborative and publicly engaged intellectual work.
Thanks for the suggestion Laurie.
3.1.2: Would be useful to note some of the extensive feminist research that investigates and implements a wider range of research methods and ways of knowing. It would also be useful to cite, for instance, Haraway, on situated perspectives and the limits of scientific research as currently practiced without feminist practices and other methodologies.
They “can” but very rarely “do.” Would the reputational and institutional barriers to collaboration that have led to duplication and inefficiency be worth further research and engagement?
Would it be appropriate to call this out in 4.1?
This seems particularly important from the perspective of the humanities and qualitative social sciences, where scholars are becoming increasingly concerned about the technocractic application of measures developed in STEM fields to their work, which comes from different intellectual foundations. See, for example, the initiative for other ways of thinking about “value” in these fields
Acknowledging the Mellon Foundation’s work in supporting the transition to digital scholarship in the humanities through investment in infrastructure would be relevant here. Possible references: or, if these need to be stable and citable, “The Academic Ebook Reinvigorated”
I am wondering about the repetition of “the substantial improvement to people’s lives.” There is significant discussion about dual effects of research (e.g. cheap energy from fossil fuels!), and the downsides of scientific advancements and innovation which are destroying the planet and massively disrupting millions of people around the world. Maybe acknowledge that somewhere near the beginning of the report? We all have come to know, right, that as scientific advancements shrink the globe and create larger and larger effects, the dual effect hits sooner and harder and we have to use the information ecosystem even more effectively and inclusively for that very reason.
Agreed. Will consider how to bring this in to revisions. Any suggestions for a citation to a thoughtful review/discussion of dual effects?
I would like to see the library community challenge the monopolistic power of Google.
The link to this reference results in a 404 error.
Should be <> . Will be fixed in next revision.
and share, as well.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this ever since learning about Europe’s Horizon 2020 program/policy many years ago. On the one hand, considering impact of all kinds is critical (so that we can assess what we’re doing, so that we can think about and prevent potential harm before acting, etc.). On the other hand, impact is sometimes far off in the future, is speculative, is unknown and therefore impossible to capture. I worry that efforts falling into that latter category will not be supported and the tremendous benefits that could come out of them won’t be realized.
Agreed. The broadest impacts are farthest off and most uncertain — weighing these against immediate outcomes is challenging and depends on context. We can revise to bring this tension to the surface. And many funders already aim to assess the potential for broad impacts — we aim for this document to inform such assessments.
This is an interesting and important point, but has some pre-requisites, specifically transforming the education of researchers (and scholars in general) so that they have the tools to do this analysis and have it as a baked-in practice within the larger research practice. Safiya Umoja Noble discusses this in regards to Engineering education in her book Algorithms of Oppression.
Agree. Also wondered about saying “researchers use rigorous and transparent methods to consider the broadest possible impact.”
This is an important issue for an effort such as this that seeks to be visionary and to create consensus around that vision. Given that, was global geographical representation a stated goal of the event? And if so, were there efforts made to have broader representation? I feel that is something we struggle with in the North American context, so any background on this, discussion of steps take and related challenges and outcomes would be useful context and a contribution towards a necessary continual push to do better in this area.
Yes, this is a significant struggle. The program committee aimed for diversity across discipline, sector, geography, race, gender — however despite systematic search and subvention of participation, we were inevitably constrained by our background knowledge and networks.
Analysis of field specific positions on open access in needed such as the MIT White Paper. In terms of academic societies and associations, in particular on the issue of open access, a cursory look at some of the field-specific codes of ethics from the last decade or so reveals an explicitly stated desire toward open dissemination of knowledge at the very least, and at best, coupled with open access, the requirement of “respect for People’s Rights, Dignity, and Diversity,” exemplified in the 2018 Code of Ethics by the American Sociological Association. In that 2018 document public sharing of research outcomes is taken as a default option for researchers, not unlike the European Commission's 2012 umbrella statement, “as open as possible, as closed as necessary.” If leaders across academic fields are increasingly explicitly stating open access (and EDISJ) as goal, academic structures need realignment to make up for the discrepancy between the reality and that stated goal(s)
Submitted comment:
Google but can ask/influence Google to do things differently]
[i.e. integrating into research workflows and partnering with university presses as in the example of ARL and AUPresses collaborative project, TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem).]
Libraries could play a role in training students in research data lifecycle/management (RDM) via either workshops, or better, via field-specific year-long methods classes typically taken at first year of training and/or before the official start of research. Library- and/or research center- run RDM workshops at research universities are not unusual, but semester long RDM classes run by library and/or research center teams, such as the course run by Dr. Timothy Norris out of University of Miami Libraries are less common. Perhaps an indicator of need in consistent and systematic RDM training, an Open Science course on “open data management and open data sharing” is scheduled to start at the end of October on the EdX platform out of Delft University of Technology.
Libraries can help change the incentive system for what information is valued.
The development of the unpaywall corpus of data integrating data from crossref with data from Institutional Repositories has considerable potential to build a truly ground up empirical mapping and set of metrics for tracking changes in resources (see ) there are considerable possibilities. See also
True, but the weakness with this corpus is that it is constrained to those items with a Crossref DOI. Many publications don’t use DOIs (Crossref or otherwise). Trying to bring in scholarship from outside the main means we need to look beyond those systems. DOAJ would be an additional source of data that has publications with and without DOIs.